
We provide doctor training, technician training, diagnosis assistance, forum for discussing a typical cases, etc.

Neuro Equilibrium

We provide doctor training, technician training, diagnosis assistance, forum for discussing a typical cases, etc.

Neuro Equilibrium

We provide doctor training, technician training, diagnosis assistance, forum for discussing a typical cases, etc.

Neuro Equilibrium

We provide doctor training, technician training, diagnosis assistance, forum for discussing a typical cases, etc.

Neuro Equilibrium

We provide doctor training, technician training, diagnosis assistance, forum for discussing a typical cases, etc.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Videonystagmography: Tests and Equipments

Videonystagmograohy, which is abbreviated as VGN has turned out to be a benchmark in the field of technologies that are used for the purpose of testing central motor functions and functioning of the inner ear. Primarily, the movement of your eyes is used as an objective to measure the imbalance or vertigo. Thus, VGN is able to derive the most accurate results because it directly measures the movement of the eyes rather than measuring the movement of mastoid muscles that are located around the eyes. The Videonystagmography test is carried out with a help of goggles which have infrared cameras. These infrared cameras record the eye movements by magnifying them and thus generate a judgment of the state of the patient's vestibular functioning.

There are three segments in which the Videonystagmography test is divided. The initial step is designed for the patient to stare at the targeted image which is moving in a certain direction, either, horizontally or vertically. The second segment is for the purpose of positional testing. For this test, the patient has to regularly switch various; head and body positions. Then, in the end, it takes the patient through an artificial mechanism that makes the patient feel imbalanced and dizzy for a couple of minutes. They do so by releasing hot and cold air for 30 seconds in each ear consecutively. Hence, with a use of all these videonystagmography equipments for the various segments of Videonystagmography, the test result it generates is the most accurate judgment of the state of patient’s central motor balance or vestibular system. Kindly note that the Videonystagmography test is best conducted by a specialist and it is always recommended to consult a doctor to know more about the effects and benefits of the test before undergoing it.