Monday, July 4, 2016

A Brief Understanding of SVV Tests

One of the toughest things to figure out is, is it a problem with the vestibular system, or is it part of something else, a heart problem or an eye problem. Subjective Visual Vertical Tests (SVV) assesses visual dependence for spacial orientation, via vertical perception testing. Using the computerized rod-and-frame test, SVV is thought to be an important measure of cervical proprioception and might be greater in those with whiplash associated disorder (WAD), but to date research findings are inconsistent.

The aim of this study was to investigate the most sensitive SVV error measurement to detect group differences between no neck pain control, idiopathic neck pain and WAD subjects. The otoliths act as gravito-inertial force sensors and contribute to the perception of spatial orientation.

The perception of gravitational vertical can be assessed by asking a subject to adjust a light bar to the vertical. Subjective Visual Vertical is the simplest test for otolithic function. Prior to clinical use of the SVV (subjective visual vertical) test, normative data and test-retest reliability must be established. To obtain normative data and determine the test-retest reliability for the SVV test performed in static and dynamic test conditions.

A descriptive design was used to obtain normative data. The ability to perceive verticality and horizontality not only depends on visual information but also somatosensory and vestibular information. Many studies show that in most case of otolithic organs lesion, before compensation subjective vertical tilts toward the affected ear. By measuring subjective vertical deviation angle with a precision of 0.1°, Subjective Visual Vertical Bucket Test is a simple, fast and reliable examination.
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